Over the last several months I have spent many hours tying flies for carp, bass, bluegill, pike, muskie, jack trevally, redfish, and the list goes on. Some of those species I am able to throw flies at and the others are on the bucketlist or tied for orders or gifts. One thing that wasn't really included in the list was flies for trout. I hadn't spent much time tying trout flies. Which is odd, I probably should be tying trout flies because I live near some amazing trout waters.

Why wasn't I? To be simply honest - I haven't fished for trout much recently. Carp, bass, and bluegill have been holding my attention for the last while. I fell in love with learning the big fly game. Bucktail and synthetics are a lot of fun - especially when compared to a size 18-22 zebra midge.
I might be going crazy - you tell me - but I am leaning towards getting back into tying flies for trout. Like the page implies I don't only fish for trout, but I still occasionally do fish for them! My thoughts are putting me towards tying a lot of small to medium sized streamers - flies up to the three inch range.

Over the last few days, I have tied up a handful of bead head bunny leeches. These are falling in right about two inches long. I'm thinking I should tie a handful of different colors and then move on to different styles of leeches and other streamers. Then once I have a decent small to medium streamer box filled out for trout that I should move on to nymphs and dries.

Like I asked, am I going crazy? What do you think? My answer is: I don't think it's crazy to get back into some trout and keep my craziness for the other species as well