I love it when a fun mail day happens - and I expect them to keep happening with more and more frequency. This last mail day came from Fishwest! I really enjoyed what I got this time around and I am really excited to see what happens as a result. Here is what I picked up (and the why as well)
Tying Dry Flies (3rd Edition) by Randall Kaufman illustrated by Mike Stidham

I will be the first to admit that I do not have many tying books AND that I generally speaking avoided tying dry flies, with exception of a Chernobyl Ant styled flies and size 18-20 parachute BWO patterns for the Green River trip that I take with my dad on a nearly. This book seemed like the perfect reason for me to start tying up more dry flies AND to get a fly tying book. So I pulled the trigger.

I haven't had much time to review the book. In the few glances I have taken inside its cover its seems like an amazing book with some great insights. Please look forward to seeing me tie up some of the patterns, if not all of them in the near future.
To go along with the book that was ordered I felt the need to start stocking up on some quality dry fly hackles - so I had to get some size 14 Grizzly Hackles in a Whiting Farms 100 pack. I can already envision these feathers being turned into terrestrials (hoppers/chernobyl ants) and into some pretty dries - I can't wait to get to combining the dry fly book AND these hackles.

I also picked up three colors of Ultra Wire in small size. I got black, wine (purple), and red. I am really looking forward to tying up some nymphs and using these wires to rib some flies. Not going to hide my enthusiasm for some fun wire bodied nymphs! So many good things will happen!

Last but not least I also got some Arctic Fox hair in olive. I love how fluffy and how much movement Arctic Fox has. This is absolutely going to be incorporated into some carp flies and probably into some streamers as well. I am confident that this material will end up being in some flies that catch some (many) 10 plus pound fish.

I appreciate the support that each of you have been giving me here on the blog and via social media. I look forward to hearing what you think I should get try and get my hands on next! I think next are some hooks, beads, more hackle, and... well we see what else happens!
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