In some exciting news (trying to get caught up on everything that we have going on in the shop) we have products from Fly Tyers Dungeon on the website. Not Only Trout now has a bunch of dubbing (more details below), some bug legs, super chenille micro, and fish shanks.
I've been working my way thought some of the various products. I have used the Fish Shanks in some pike flies (can't wait to hear back those flies getting eaten and destroyed) and some prototype carp flies. The shanks range in size from 1/2" to 3" in length. I'll be tying up some game changers on them in the future as well. They start are $2.25 for a pack of 20 shanks.
There is currently a limited availability of colors for the Bug Legs and the Super Micro Chenille. If you like these products I can work to get them in stock in greater quantities.
Now as far as dubbing goes I picked up a BUNCH! We have 10 different styles of dubbing. Please visit the main dubbing landing page to see what we have available. Some of my favorites so far have been the Skeeter Fuzz, MS Bugger Dub, Leech Dub, and Pseudo Peacock dub. I am working to try out as many of these materials as I can, get them in flies, and show how they work in a wide variety of situations!