One thing that I have loved is that over the last little bit I have been able to consistently get some new stuff in the mail. I hope you enjoy seeing what I’ve been picking up. If you don’t like these styles of posts, please let me know and I can refrain from posting this as frequently.
This last shipment was awesome - there was a bunch of stuff from Moonlit Fly Fishing and from Fishwest. I picked up 275 hooks, if I did my math right, from Moonlit.

One of the hooks that has me smiling are these Togatta ML801 size 6 hooks. They are going to be incorporated into several of my existing carp patterns. I figure if they can handle powerful carp then they are going to hold up to most everything fresh water.

I also picked up a handful of smaller sized hooks - not tiny but smaller - so that I can play around with a bunch of trout and bluegill patterns. I’ve been very impressed by the durability of the hooks.

In addition to the smaller hooks I grabbed some slotted tungsten beads - 3.0 and 2.5mm sizes. You will be seeing a lot more nymphs coming off my vise in the coming weeks.
From Fishwest I got a bunch of feathers and tying materials. Here’s what I recently got from them:

I had to restock on some craft fur! Some weighted and weightless craft fur minnows, some salt water patterns will be added to my box and to the shop in the near future. Craft fur is messy, but man does it wiggle.

You may have seen that I started getting into deer hair poppers and sliders. I had the chance to add some more deer belly hair to the supplies and I had to take it. I am not an expert, but man those flies are a ton of fun to tie. And they are so emotionally painful to screw up.

The last notable add to the collect up was a refresh in chartreuse and white schlappen and Silver Doctor Blue Chinese Saddle Hackle. These will be used for some Seaducers and other bass patterns.
I’m excited to see what comes off the vise next. I really appreciate you coming along on this journey with me.
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