Over the last couple weeks I have not been actively writing on this blog. My life has been amazingly full of spectacular blessings and memories. I wanted to take a moment to write this blog post to share a couple of things with you from the last couple weeks.

A few weeks back I had the immense pleasure to get out fishing with some amazing people. I got to spend time fishing with my great friend JC, his wonderful fiance Kiley, and two great friends and talented fly fishers from California - Dave and Lesley (recently named an Fishwest Ambassador). We spent a day fishing in the mountains chasing beautiful trout. It was a day on the water that I will remember for a long time. There were more jokes told than I can remember, beautiful mountain scenery with just a few clouds in the sky, wonderful people, and some stunningly pretty trout! That day had some challenging fishing - but it was one of the most memorable days of fishing that I have had in a long time. I don't usually get to spend days fishing with friends - but man, it was a blast and a very fun day. (At the end of the blog post I will include links to their social media information so you can give them a follow if you want). This post has a handful of pictures from that day.

The next few days were a whirlwind. My wife and I had to go get tested for COVID-19, we were both symptom free but she was scheduled to get induced in a few days and the hospital needed us to get tested. After a surprising pair of positive tests and some tears, we called the people we were around and let them know that we tested positive and to be on the lookout for symptoms and to get tested if they felt the need. (Fortunately, all of our friends and family who we came in contact with have since been asymptomatic and those who tested have tested negative). The saddest news was that as a result of my positive test was that my wife would be going to the hospital and I could not be there to witness the birth of our beautiful and healthy baby girl. I am blessed to have a fantastic mother-in-law who was able to help take care of my wife and baby girl while they were at the hospital. I am so blessed and humbled to have such a spectacular wife and such supportive in-laws. My mother-in-law sent me a lot of great pictures and I was able to celebrate my babies birth and was able to share the pictures with our other 3 kids. I felt so many overwhelming emotions throughout my wife's entire hospital stay. I am so happy to say that my wife and our baby are both doing great.

During the last few weeks I have spent time trying to catch up on sleep, helping with the kids, household chores, and holding our beautiful baby girl. I have also managed to spend some time tying up a bunch of carp flies. Tying flies gives my mind some time to unwind from the stresses of daily life. I am thankful for the influence of some great people who have helped me push my tying skills from where they once were to where they are now.
Thank's for reading this blog post and giving me a chance to write a little bit about what has been going on in my life over the last few weeks. I am looking forward to sharing some more posts now that I have a little breathing room in my life. Please let me know in the comments - how often would you like me to post blog posts? I have an idea of how often I want to post here, but I really value the insights of those who will take the time to read and comment on this post. (I also appreciate any likes/follows as well).

Thank you for being amazing! Wishing you all peace, love, and lots of great fishy and outdoorsy memories!
Social Media Links
JC: Instagram: @jcweeks3 Twitter: @jcweeks4
Dave: Instagram: @sdflyangler
Kiley: Instagram: @k.i_l.ey
Lesley: Instagram: @trailmix