Fly Tying Corner: Bullet Head Foam Spider - drive bluegills crazy!!

Fly Tying Corner: Bullet Head Foam Spider - drive bluegills crazy!!

Before we talk about the fly - click here to buy it!

The Bullet Head Foam Spider is a delicious treat for bluegill and other panfish (with a side of bass as well)! 

This fly has enough foam to hang out right on top of the surface film and legs long enough to wiggle and attract the attention of bluegill!

Fish this fly by casting it out into open water or tight near cover and structure and then let it sit!! If it doesn't get attacked within the first 5-10 seconds give the fly a small strip or two and then let it sit again and hold on tight.

If you want to fish a dropper off of this fly use a small unweighted nymph so that it doesn't drag the fly down OR throw tiny dry for a double dry presentation - both will catch a bunch of fish!

You'll be seeing the shop highlight this fly pretty regularly because it just plain works!

At the bottom of this blog post will be the embedded video to watch the step by step tying tutorial! 


Materials to tie the fly:
Hook: Moonlit TOGATTA ML201 (Size 12)
Thread: Semperfli Classic Waxed 6/0 (Chartreuse)
Legs: Wapsi Barred Sili Legs  (Fl. Chartreuse/Black)
Body: 2mm Precut Bodies (Chartreuse) 
Resin: Raid Zap (Thin)

Tools we use:
Scissors: 4" Tungsten Carbide Arrow Scissors
Bobbin: Bullet Head Ceramic Bobbin 
UV Torch: RZ 365 Pro

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