Fly Tying Corner: Complex eZee Bugger

Fly Tying Corner: Complex eZee Bugger

This is a Not Only Trout twist on the Complex Twist Bugger/Woolly Bugger.  

Click here to buy the fly.

It has a lot of bulk and wiggle in the water - it will get fishes attention.  Mix and match the various colors of the feathers and the eZee Bug Yarn!  It is a fun pattern to tie up and a more fun pattern to fish!

Materials to tie the fly:
Hook: Partridge of Reddtich Predator Streamer CS51/SEP (size 8)
Thread: Semperfli Classic Waxed 6/0 (Black)
Tail: Fish Hunter Marabou (Black)
Flash: Flashabou (Speckled Gold and Speckled Silver)
Body: India Rooster Saddle Pack (Olive)
Body: eZee Bug Yarn (Black)
Collar: India Rooster Saddle Pack (Olive)
Resin: Raid Zap (Thin)

Tools we use:
Scissors: 4" Tungsten Carbide Arrow Scissors
Bobbin: Bullet Head Ceramic Bobbin 
UV Torch: RZ 365 Pro

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